Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Gyrodyne Scout Flying Dutchmen Killer

Arr pirates!! I bring sad news to those who care for their anti-scouting defenses made of the beloved Flying Dutchmen. I myself be very proud of them and keep a whole bunch of them defending me Haven, but lo and behold - the steam filled Gyrodyne Scout be a specialized killer of Flying Dutchmen.

Ye can see on the picture I put below that even though this high level pirate failed to scout me Haven and lost pretty much all of his Gyrodyne Scouts, he actually killed 17 of my Flying Dutchmen out of a big bunch which were defending. So a small force of Gyrodyne Scouts be strong enough to make kills even if they be confronted by a much larger force of Flying Dutchmen.

So beware ye lovers of defense, there be indeed a countermeasure designed to lessen the ranks of yer true defenders of the sky!

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