Friday, March 7, 2014

Dangers of Leaving Army in the Open

Arr pirates!! Super important lesson or reminder to all ye pirates never, and I say again - never, leave your army out in the open on yer Haven and log out, leave the house or go to sleep. Ye be taking a big huge risk of someone smashing your hard earned army to little pieces and ye be waking up to a nightmare scenario.

Especially do not leave yer army outside of yer Harbor when you have serious enemies who be checking and scouting yer Haven regularly.

Here below I show ye my big enemy made this huge mistake and left his army out sitting in his Haven and, as I regularly scout him, I sent a bunch of scouts and 7 died. Normally this is bad news as I hate losing my Flying Dutchmen, but I got really happy because if 7 of mine died then he must have 20+ Dutchmen there, so I immediately sent my fleet to smash them and I found his whole army, both defense and offense, sitting there and so I smashed them all ARRRR!!!

and, on top of that, not only I got a really nice relic as you see there, but I saw that not all of them died, so I immediately sent my army again to finish of the remaining enemy pirates!!!

so again, big lesson to everyone - do not leave yer army sitting in yer Haven or ye be risking a complete destruction!!

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