Sunday, March 2, 2014

Unit Overview HARPOONER

Arr pirates!! We gonna be havin' a closer look at the HARPOONER - the most accessible Dread Fleet unit out there costing 450 rubies.

The good thing about the Harpooner is not only his cost but how easy it is to get him supported with the correct units fer the maximum bonus fer defense. He be happy enough with Bonnies and Skirmishers and people have lots of those so getting just 100 pirates to support him is not difficult at all especially when comparing to other Dread Fleet units which require more difficult to obtain units like Fleet and Armada.

As with most Dread Fleet units it is not his offense or defense that is impressive but the bonus that he provides and he can give up to 2300 additional defense on top of his 294 which is almost 10 times more.

So if ye be wanting to boost yer defense and ye got some rubies to spare then consider the bad ass Harpooner for the job, he be having a very good time with yer Bonnies :P

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