Friday, April 25, 2014

Catching Yer Enemy’s Mistakes

Arr pirates!! Fighting a war with one or more Havens be not the most easy of things, but to increase yer chances of success, to increase the chances of yer pirates obliterating the enemy forces and sending them somewhere where they cannot find any Rum to drink means checking up on yer enemy more often then ye check on yer own mother :)

If ye check on their Haven often ye might find them making a mistake of leaving their offensive troops out in the open, which often happens when captains send out raids but are not at home when the raid comes back or are distracted by one of million things which is not yer problem, so if ye see their troops sitting drinking Rum strike fast and strike hard.

Ye see on the picture below how I destroy a massive amount of me enemy's offensive power gained 408 experience and lost only 8 Bombardiers. I was very pleased by this result and declared several hours of Rum drinking on me Haven as a celebration of crushing me enemy's forces! :)

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